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Who we are

Arvis, Association for the Visual Arts in Sicily, was established in January 1979 by a group of photographers in order to create in Palermo a center for cultural exchanges and debates related to the visual arts and photography in particular.
Within the scope of the statutory purposes, Arvis carries out the following activities:
  • Exhibitions and events relating to art in general.
  • Projects and initiatives for the promotion of the visual arts.
  • Courses of culture and photographic technique on shooting, development, printing and new technologies.
  • Consultancy for the restoration, conservation and reproduction of photographic images.
  • Targeted courses for teachers, students and institutions on the use of photographic technologies.
  • Interventions in teaching, communication and recovery of subjects in "disadvantaged area" or "at risk".
From 2009 to 2019
23 editions of basic photography courses with as many students' end-of-course exhibitions.
16 editions of digital post-production courses.
n.12 Darkroom development and printing courses.
5 editions of the Advanced Course of Photography and Photographic Technique.

Iscriviti alla nostra mailing list

List of members and corporate officers:
Toti Clemente (ordinary shareholder)
orario apertura sede Arvis
 Lunedì - Venerdì  
 18:00 - 20:00  

Per le inaugurazioni delle mostre gli orari possono variare.

© 2019 ARVIS.

Palermo, via Giovanni di Giovanni 14, 90139

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